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Aquabella aereal view

About this page

This web site was created, is financed by, and is fully owned by a private resident of our community. It was created and is offered as a contribution to improve the communication between AHOA, the Board, Administration, residents and neighbors. It is managed by an administrator and moderators who are residents of Aquabella.​


From time to time, the Board and/or the Administration will post announcements. However, this page is not, and is not meant to be AHOA's Official web site. The Board and Administration will continue to send official communications by email, registered mail or by phone call. The site is meant to be an additional layer to their effort in improving communication with us. ​


Aquabella's Board of Directors and the Administration are constantly monitoring the site with the purpose of hearing what our community has to say, and what it needs. They (the Board and Administration) can post, make announcements and answer questions as any other resident of our community can. ​


We encourage the use of our FORUM to communicate with the community and with the Administration who is our first line of communication with AHOA. Feel free to ask questions, make requests, recommendations or suggestions regarding our community. They will see them and will reply. The Administrator can also be contacted in the Main Gazebo Administration Office from Monday to Friday: 8:00 am to 12:00pm, by phone (787) 477-3071 or by email at 


Please keep posts and communication professional and courteous. If you disagree with Board or administrative procedures, or any of Aquabella or PHA By-Laws or a violation notification, please bring those directly to the attention of Aquabella Administration or ARB. ​


Kindly note that the Board of Directors is solely comprised of volunteers that give their time and talents for the benefit of Aquabella. The AHOA is always in need of enthusiastic, caring, motivated volunteers. If you would like to be a part of a group of people that value the importance of the quality of life in the neighborhood where you live, please contact any Board member or write to to get involved. ​


Aquabella Homeowner's Association (AHOA) works on behalf of the residents of Aquabella to protect, maintain and improve the common areas, privileges and interests of its residents.  ​ If you are currently a homeowner in Aquabella, you’ll find great information on this web site in the "Residents Only" area in the top menu.


Our goal is to continue improving the value and quality of the Aquabella community.

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